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What to Know About Facial Hair Transplants

Loss of facial hair may occur due to a number of reasons, some of which include burns, surgery, injury, laser hair removal, or genetics.

A facial hair transplant is the procedure used to restore hairs where growth is thin or absent.

Even though the procedure is usually performed on the mustache and goatee area, in certain situations it can be done on the facial cheeks, sideburns and beards. In addition, facial hair transplants may also be used to hide different kinds of scars or acne.

The following are some the things you should know about facial hair transplants:

Takes a bit of time

A standard Facial Hair Transplant may take around 1 to 5 hours to complete based on the area being worked on.

Hair growth is the same as facial hair

When it comes to facial transplants, the hair grows with the same characteristics and texture as other facial hair since the hair extracted will closely resemble the ones found on your face.

Similar to hair transplant

The beard transplant is quite similar to a scalp hair transplant which involves extracting donor hair from the back or sides of hair. A surgeon determines which ones closely resemble your facial hair and then delicately transplants them to the designated site. The main difference between the two procedures is that is that the incisions used in the beard transplant are smaller than those of a scalp treatment.


Facial hair transplants are practically painless. In most cases, the procedure is done using the FUE Hair Transplants technique whereby the surgeon carefully picks the follicles for the transplant.

Different reasons for doing it

In most cases, a beard transplant is done purely for aesthetic reasons. Even though this is the norm, there are certain situations whereby it could be conducted due to lack of facial hair growth caused by surgical scars or injury.


Surgeons usually advise patients of a facial hair transplant not to shave for the first 10 days after their procedure. This is usually when their transplant appears more like a growth. In addition, patients are pre-warned that there will be hair fall after 2 weeks. This happens in order to pave way for the new hair.

Offers a permanent solution

One of the best things about facial hair transplant is that it offers permanent results. This means that you don’t have to worry about your new facial hair going anywhere, anytime soon.


Just like with any other surgical procedure, there are a few risks associated with facial hair transplants. These usually include infections or scarring, though very rare with this sort of procedure. In most cases, such things may be caused by poor post care.

When you choose Medical Hair Transplant & Aesthetics, you can rest assured that your procedure will be performed by an experienced surgeon with vast experience.

Not only do we successively transplant your hair, we can also educate you on the proper aftercare to avoid any risks.

Give us a call at +90-554-383-2688 or use our Online Appointment Form.

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